Event Services
Event Services
UConn Hartford Event Services is here to assist you with planning an event or meeting on our campus. We pride ourselves on providing the highest quality service to students, faculty, staff, and community partners.
To begin the process, please submit a request for space:
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Additional Resources
UConn Hartford Spaces
Looking for more information about our classrooms? Visit UConn's Classroom Directory. You can filter by campus and building to narrow down the search.
Conference Rooms in the Times Building
UConn Hartford Upcoming Events
We invite you to participate in the Critical Teaching Behaviors Book Club: Defining, Documenting, and Discussing Good Teaching!
James M. Thomas, author of The Souls of Jewish Folk: W.E.B. du Bois, Antisemitism, and the Color Line and Associate Professor of Sociology at University Mississippi will be leading a book talk, followed by discussion and light refreshments in person at UConn’s Konover Auditorium or via Zoom. This hybrid event is sponsored by the Gene and Georgia Mittelman Lecture in Judaic Studies fund.
What’s on your mind?
Join with the Campus Dean and fellow members of our UConn Hartford community for ongoing, informal, sustained conversations to discuss every and all topics relevant to our campus.
Book Dances, Justice Dance Performance Project’s (JDPP) newest dance theater performance piece, celebrates books as touchstones of freedom exploring the power of the right to read as well as its vulnerability in today’s world.
Study Spaces
Find your perfect UConn Hartford study spot at the Times Building.
There is also study space available in the UConn Library at Hartford Public Library.
Use the Arch Street entrance and show your UConn I.D. to access UConn Library spaces.